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Vacation Bible School

  • St. Hubert Catholic Community 8201 Main Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 United States (map)

Stellar VBS 2023

July 24 — July 28

9:00 AM — 12:00 PM

Kindergarten through 5th Grade

8201 Main St.
Chanhassen, MN 55317

Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun.

Participant registration is now closed, but many volunteers are still needed! Register below to volunteer for one or more days during the best week of the summer!

Volunteer Opportunities

VBS is 24-28, 2023 from 9:00 AM to Noon. Although it’s helpful for volunteers to commit to the whole week, most opportunities can be done with a partial week commitment. Contact Sara at with questions.

Station Leaders

Opening/Closing Leader: Lead kids through large group opening and closing activities each day (songs, object lessons, etc.) Curriculum and supplies provided.

Elementary Bible Adventures Leader: Lead interactive Bible lessons for kids in elementary-age crews. Curriculum and supplies provided.

Elementary Imagination Station Leader: Lead interactive science activities for kids in elementary-age crews. Curriculum and supplies provided.

Elementary Games Station Leader: Lead games activities for kids in elementary-age crews. Curriculum and supplies provided.

Station Assistants

Bible Adventures Station Assistant: Assist the elementary Bible Adventures leader with station activities.

Imagination Station Assistant: Assist the elementary Imagination Station leader with station activities.

Games Station Assistant: Assist the elementary Games leader with station activities.

Crew Leaders

Elementary Crew Leaders: Lead and assist small groups of elementary-age kids through activities.

Earlier Event: July 19
Summer Soulcore
Later Event: August 2
Stepping Stones