GROW: God Renewing Our Women
What is GROW?
GROW is a Catholic organization promoting faith, fun, and fellowship in our female parishioners by connecting in large monthly gatherings as well as fostering involvement in broader parish activities, in order to grow a personal relationship and love with Jesus Christ, and the Catholic Church.
GROW meets (typically) the third Tuesday of each month. Each event begins with the Rosary at 6:40 PM, followed by fellowship, snacks, and the featured presentation at 7 PM. The cost is $20 to attend any/all events for the entire year.
2024-2025 Events
September 17: Line Dancing
October 22: Star Legacy Foundation
November 19 : Catholic Apps and Podcasts
January 13: Faith and Fitness
February 18: Adoration
March 18: Multi-Generation Caregivers
May 6: Social Gathering