Parish Council

The parish council is a consultative group that is charged with representing parish needs, prayerfully discerning parish priorities, and serving as an intermediary between the parish members and parish leaders by providing guidance and feedback. Additionally, the parish council serves as a sounding board for parish leadership by responding to leadership inquiries and helping to guide implementation of the strategic priorities of the parish. While the parish council provides input and feedback, the parish leadership and staff own the operational execution of the strategic priorities, with overall authority retained by the pastor.

The primary functions of the council are to annually pray and discern the needs of the parish and determine how to address them in a general way, to help assess how each commission is achieving each of the four pillars of our mission and our strategic priorities, to re-evaluate the priorities and re-form them annually with the Pastor, and to assist with long range planning.

If you are interested in joining the parish council, please complete an application and turn into the parish office. Contact the parish office at 952-934-9106 with any questions.

Parish Council Application

Parish Council Members

Mary Ann Carr

Karen Davis

Kelly Donovan

Mike Felmlee

Erich Hoffer

Jerry Reutzel

Liam Katz

Brian Rome

Kevin Maloney

Paul Rothstein

Tanya Pierce

Martha Shrader

Finance Council

The purpose of the Finance Council is to work with the trustees and parish leadership to establish and approve the annual budgets for both the parish and school. The membership meets monthly to analyze and discuss the current year’s financial statements and to advise the parish and school on matters of importance. The FC has four subcommittees:

  • Parish budget and planning

  • Parish development and investment

  • Parish audit

  • Parish and school finance

St. Hubert’s Finance Council has an opening for a new council member. This group of advisors is consultative in nature, offering advice to the Pastor, parish business administrator, and trustees. Members typically serve for a three-year term with the option to extend at the request/approval of the pastor. The time commitment is six finance meetings and two subcommittee meetings per year via conference call (every third Tuesday of the month at noon-1:30 pm).  If you have a strong financial background in accounting, operations, and/or investments, and a desire to serve, please submit an application to Patty Dolan at

Finance Council Application

Finance Council Members

Reid Craigmile
Pat Kocourek
Rob Rogers
Gretchen Pogge
Calvin Shelangoski
Julianne Turk
Ian Smith

Parish Trustees

Michael Felmlee