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Feast of the Holy Family Event

  • St. Hubert Catholic Community 8201 Main Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 United States (map)

St. Hubert invites your family to join us to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family.

We will enjoy a light lunch and activities to help us each grow in holiness within our own families and with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph and Jesus.

Activities for all ages!

  • Make a special ornament at St. Joseph’s Workshop

  • Decorate a vase and plant a flower in St. Mary’s Garden

  • Enjoy some games together in Jesus’ playground

  • Share a light meal together as a family

  • Enter into raffle drawings (different prizes for parents, families, teens, children)

Date/Time: Sunday, December 29 from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM

Location: St. Hubert Fellowship Hall

Who: Family members of all ages! Please note that this is a family event and all children must attend with an adult/guardian.

Cost: $10 per family

If you would like to volunteer to help us prepare and host the event, please contact Liz Pham at We need lots of help!

Earlier Event: December 18
Living Nativity
Later Event: January 1
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God