Celebrate Inspirational Women in the Bible
January 17, 2023
6:40 Rosary, 7 PM Book Discussion
Join us as we read the Tamar section of Francine River’s book, “A Lineage of Grace: Biblical Stories of Five Women in the Lineage of Jesus” and then join us for a one night discussion.
Before January 16
Purchase book “A Lineage of Grace: Biblical Stories of 5 Women in the Lineage of Jesus” By Francine Rivers
Read first section on Tamar (bonus points for reading more sections)
Each of the 5 women (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, & Mary) were faced with extraordinary―even scandalous―challenges. But they had courage. They lived daring lives. Sometimes they made mistakes―big mistakes. And yet God, in His infinite mercy, used them to bring forth the Christ, the Savior of the world. Their stories still hold great meaning and inspiration for us today.