Archbishop Hebda has a dream; a dream in which all Catholics are in small groups. He dreams such things because small groups can help our faith come more fully to life, can help people come to know Jesus better and create a stronger community. He is asking each parish to launch or rejuvenate a small group ministry. We are ready to begin forming the parishioners who will help lead these groups.
Each session will last less than two hours, and will include times of prayer, teaching, and small group sharing all being supported by the Archdiocese. Each parish in our Archdiocese is participating.
Follow up:
Participation in the sessions does not commit you to lead a small group. Upon the conclusion of the sessions, there will be a mutual discernment, that will include the pastor, on whether each participant will lead a small group.
We expect different types of small groups will emerge. Examples include (but are not limited to): couples, youth, widows, divorcees, by gender, professionals, families with children, singles, RCIA, etc.)
Please see the Q&As below and/or contact Andrea Krautkramer, Small Groups Coordinator at or call the parish office.
How many total sessions will there be? 7.
What will the sessions be like? A mix of prayer, teaching and small group sharing lasting less than 2 hours.
What if I can’t make it to one of the training sessions? The sessions are a formation toward leading small groups, and small group sharing is an important component of it. Participants are expected to attend most, if not all sessions, in person.
Will there be make-up sessions? Recognizing that life happens, there will be an ability to “make-up” sessions.
If I say yes to the training, am I officially a Small Group Facilitator? No. Just come and see. Participation in the sessions does not commit you to lead a small group.
When are we launching small groups? Spring of 2024 is the current goal.
Are the sessions in person? Yes. They will be at St. Hubert in Fellowship Hall with other St. Hubert leaders.
Do I have to have any facilitating experience? No. None needed. Just an open heart.
Will I be expected to lead a small group alone? No. Leaders will be surrounded by a group of parishioners who are similarly convicted who will form a core team to support the leader.
What can I do now? Sign up for each session online. Ask a fellow leader to join you. Pray for the success of small group implementation at St. Hubert and across the Archdiocese. (Re)read the Pastoral Letter, “You Will Be My Witnesses,” (also available via podcast). Prayerfully discern participating in small group leader sessions starting September 21.
Why are we training people? Small groups are not new to St. Hubert. However; this is a part of the Synod process under Archbishop Hebda. He has a dream that all Catholics are in a small group. It is also a response to feedback collected from parishioners.
As a facilitator, will I be given assistance to run my small group? Yes.
Will the small groups meet at St. Hubert? We anticipate small groups to meet where they are comfortable. Options may include St. Hubert, in homes and/or local businesses.
How will the small groups be organized? This will be based on demand and interest of parishioners. Small groups will be 8-10 people.
If I am already in a small group do I have to leave it? No. It is important you continue with your faith journey, “fill your own bucket of faith”, but then also help spread this faith and experience with others as a leader.
Where can I find more information on what the Synod is and its priorities? You can read the Pastoral Letter: You Will be My Witness at the following link -