Many volunteers are needed to make this event a success! Click on the button below to sign up to help during part or all of the festival!
Please support our raffles – they help cover our costs and make our annual festival possible.
1. GRAND RAFFLE – SPLIT THE POT win up to $20,000 The SPLIT THE POT – GRAND RAFFLE will consist of no more than 400 tickets, Tickets are $100 each and the pot will be split between St. Hubert and a lucky winner. Be sure to purchase these tickets early before the pot closes! (We realize that for some, a $100 ticket may be too much, so we encourage you to partner up with family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers to purchase your ticket(s).)
2. GENERAL RAFFLE – Purchase $100 in general raffle tickets with two books of 10 tickets at $5.00 each. The first prize is $2,000, second prize is $1,000, and third prize is $500; plus, we will have several non-cash prizes awarded.
The raffle drawings will be held the evening of the event. Winners need not be present to win.
Return all sold (ticket stubs with cash or check) and unsold tickets to the parish office by mailing them or dropping in the collection basket.
All tickets must be turned in by Friday, September 23.
Please make sure that all tickets purchased include a name and telephone number.
You may pick up additional tickets at the parish office.
Please make your check payable to: St. Hubert Church.
Event sponsors help cover our expenses of this event. We are offering several tiers of sponsorship that give varying levels of marketing exposure. We are appreciative of each and every sponsorship, and every contribution helps!
Please mail your donation (payable to St. Hubert Catholic Community) with the attached form to the address denoted on the form.
If you are unable to be a sponsor, support of any kind such as gift cards, gift baskets, or monetary contributions are especially welcome. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
We look forward to your participation in this fantastic event!